Title: | Estimating Peer Effects Using Partial Network Data |
Description: | Implements IV-estimator and Bayesian estimator for linear-in-means Spatial Autoregressive (SAR) model (see LeSage, 1997 <doi:10.1177/016001769702000107>; Lee, 2004 <doi:10.1111/j.1468-0262.2004.00558.x>; Bramoullé et al., 2009 <doi:10.1016/j.jeconom.2008.12.021>), while assuming that only a partial information about the network structure is available. Examples are when the adjacency matrix is not fully observed or when only consistent estimation of the network formation model is available (see Boucher and Houndetoungan <https://ahoundetoungan.com/files/Papers/PartialNetwork.pdf>). |
Authors: | Vincent Boucher [aut], Aristide Houndetoungan [cre, aut] |
Maintainer: | Aristide Houndetoungan <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-3 |
Version: | 1.1.1 |
Built: | 2025-03-10 04:53:14 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/ahoundetoungan/partialnetwork |
The PartialNetwork package implements instrumental variables (IV) and Bayesian estimators for the linear-in-mean SAR model (e.g. Bramoulle et al., 2009) when
the distribution of the network is available, but not the network itself. To make the computations faster PartialNetwork uses C++
through the Rcpp package (Eddelbuettel et al., 2011).
Two main functions are provided to estimate the linear-in-mean SAR model using only the distribution of the network. The function
generates valid instruments using the distribution of the network (see Propositions 1 and 2 in Boucher and Houndetoungan (2020)). Once the instruments are constructed,
one can estimate the model using standard IV estimators. We recommend the function ivreg
from the package AER (Kleiber et al., 2020). The function mcmcSAR performs a Bayesian estimation based on an adaptive MCMC (Atchade and Rosenthal, 2005). In that case,
the distribution of the network acts as prior distribution for the network.
The package PartialNetwork also implements a network formation model based on Aggregate Relational Data (McCormick and Zheng, 2015; Breza et al., 2017). This part of the package
relies on the functions rvMF, dvMF and logCpvMF partly implemented in C++, but using code from movMF (Hornik and Grun, 2014).
Maintainer: Aristide Houndetoungan [email protected]
Vincent Boucher [email protected]
Atchade, Y. F., & Rosenthal, J. S., 2005, On adaptive markov chain monte carlo algorithms, Bernoulli, 11(5), 815-828, doi:10.3150/bj/1130077595.
Boucher, V., & Houndetoungan, A., 2022, Estimating peer effects using partial network data, Centre de recherche sur les risques les enjeux economiques et les politiques publiques, https://ahoundetoungan.com/files/Papers/PartialNetwork.pdf.
Bramoulle, Y., Djebbari, H., & Fortin, B., 2009, Identification of peer effects through social networks, Journal of econometrics, 150(1), 41-55, doi:10.1016/j.jeconom.2008.12.021.
Breza, E., Chandrasekhar, A. G., McCormick, T. H., & Pan, M., 2020, Using aggregated relational data to feasibly identify network structure without network data, American Economic Review, 110(8), 2454-84, doi:10.1257/aer.20170861
Eddelbuettel, D., Francois, R., Allaire, J., Ushey, K., Kou, Q., Russel, N., ... & Bates, D., 2011,
Rcpp: Seamless R and C++
integration, Journal of Statistical Software, 40(8), 1-18, doi:10.18637/jss.v040.i08
Lee, L. F., 2004, Asymptotic distributions of quasi-maximum likelihood estimators for spatial autoregressive models. Econometrica, 72(6), 1899-1925, doi:10.1111/j.1468-0262.2004.00558.x
LeSage, J. P. 1997, Bayesian estimation of spatial autoregressive models, International regional science review, 20(1-2), 113-129, doi:10.1177/016001769702000107.
Mardia, K. V., 2014, Statistics of directional data, Academic press.
McCormick, T. H., & Zheng, T., 2015, Latent surface models for networks using Aggregated Relational Data, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 110(512), 1684-1695, doi:10.1080/01621459.2014.991395.
Wood, A. T., 1994, Simulation of the von Mises Fisher distribution. Communications in statistics-simulation and computation, 23(1), 157-164. doi:10.1080/03610919408813161.
Useful links:
Report bugs at https://github.com/ahoundetoungan/PartialNetwork/issues
Density function for the von Mises-Fisher distribution
of dimension p
with location parameter equal to mu
and intensity parameter eta
dvMF(z, theta, log.p = FALSE)
dvMF(z, theta, log.p = FALSE)
z |
is a matrix where each row is a spherical coordinate at which the density will be evaluated. |
theta |
is a vector of dimension |
log.p |
is logical; if TRUE, probabilities p are given as log(p). |
the densities computed at each point.
# Draw 1000 vectors from vMF with parameter eta = 1 and mu = c(1,0) z <- rvMF(1000, c(1,0)) # Compute the density at z dvMF(z, c(1,0)) # Density of c(0, 1, 0, 0) with the parameter eta = 3 and mu = c(0, 1, 0, 0) dvMF(matrix(c(0, 1, 0, 0), nrow = 1), c(0, 3, 0, 0))
# Draw 1000 vectors from vMF with parameter eta = 1 and mu = c(1,0) z <- rvMF(1000, c(1,0)) # Compute the density at z dvMF(z, c(1,0)) # Density of c(0, 1, 0, 0) with the parameter eta = 3 and mu = c(0, 1, 0, 0) dvMF(matrix(c(0, 1, 0, 0), nrow = 1), c(0, 3, 0, 0))
computes the network distribution using the simulations from the posterior distribution of the
ARD network formation model. The linking probabilities are also computed for individuals without ARD.
The degrees and the gregariousness of the individuals without ARD are computed from the sample with ARD using a k-nearest neighbors method.
fit.dnetwork( object, X = NULL, obsARD = NULL, m = NULL, burnin = NULL, print = TRUE )
fit.dnetwork( object, X = NULL, obsARD = NULL, m = NULL, burnin = NULL, print = TRUE )
object |
X |
(required when ARD are available for a sample of individuals) is a matrix of variables describing individuals with ARD and those without ARD. This matrix will be used to compute distance between individuals in the k-nearest neighbors approach. This could be the matrix of traits (see details). |
obsARD |
logical vector of length |
m |
number of neighbors used to compute the gregariousness and the degree for individuals without ARD (default value is |
burnin |
number of simulations from the posterior distribution used as burn-in. The network distribution will be computed
used the simulation from the iteration |
print |
logical; if TRUE, the progression will be printed in the console. |
The order of individuals provided through the arguments traitARD
and ARD
(when calling the function mcmcARD
) should fit the order of individuals in
and obsARD
. Especially, the i-th row of X[obsARD,]
should correspond to the i-th row in traitARD
or ARD
A list consisting of:
dnetwork |
posterior mean of the network distribution. |
degree |
posterior mean of the degree. |
nu |
posterior mean of the gregariousness, nu. |
set.seed(123) # GENERATE DATA # Sample size N <- 500 n <- 300 # ARD parameters genzeta <- 1 mu <- -1.35 sigma <- 0.37 K <- 12 # number of traits P <- 3 # Sphere dimension # Generate z (spherical coordinates) genz <- rvMF(N,rep(0,P)) # Genetate nu from a Normal distribution with parameters mu and sigma (The gregariousness) gennu <- rnorm(N,mu,sigma) # compute degrees gend <- N*exp(gennu)*exp(mu+0.5*sigma^2)*exp(logCpvMF(P,0) - logCpvMF(P,genzeta)) # Link probabilities Probabilities <- sim.dnetwork(gennu,gend,genzeta,genz) # Adjacency matrix G <- sim.network(Probabilities) # Generate vk, the trait location genv <- rvMF(K,rep(0,P)) # set fixed some vk distant genv[1,] <- c(1,0,0) genv[2,] <- c(0,1,0) genv[3,] <- c(0,0,1) # eta, the intensity parameter geneta <-abs(rnorm(K,2,1)) # Build traits matrix densityatz <- matrix(0,N,K) for(k in 1:K){ densityatz[,k] <- dvMF(genz,genv[k,]*geneta[k]) } trait <- matrix(0,N,K) NK <- floor(runif(K, 0.8, 0.95)*colSums(densityatz)/apply(densityatz, 2, max)) for (k in 1:K) { trait[,k] <- rbinom(N, 1, NK[k]*densityatz[,k]/sum(densityatz[,k])) } # print a percentage of people having a trait colSums(trait)*100/N # Build ARD ARD <- G %*% trait # generate b genb <- numeric(K) for(k in 1:K){ genb[k] <- sum(G[,trait[,k]==1])/sum(G) } ############ ARD Posterior distribution ################### # EXAMPLE 1: ARD observed for the entire population # initialization d0 <- exp(rnorm(N)); b0 <- exp(rnorm(K)); eta0 <- rep(1,K); zeta0 <- 1; z0 <- matrix(rvMF(N,rep(0,P)),N); v0 <- matrix(rvMF(K,rep(0,P)),K) # We need to fix some of the vk and bk for identification (see Breza et al. (2020) for details). vfixcolumn <- 1:6 bfixcolumn <- c(3, 5) b0[bfixcolumn] <- genb[bfixcolumn] v0[vfixcolumn,] <- genv[vfixcolumn,] start <- list("z" = z0, "v" = v0, "d" = d0, "b" = b0, "eta" = eta0, "zeta" = zeta0) # MCMC ARD out <- mcmcARD(Y = ARD, traitARD = trait, start = start, fixv = vfixcolumn, consb = bfixcolumn, iteration = 5000) # fit network distribution dist <- fit.dnetwork(out) plot(rowSums(dist$dnetwork), gend) abline(0, 1, col = "red") # EXAMPLE 2: ARD observed for a sample of the population # observed sample selectARD <- sort(sample(1:N, n, FALSE)) traitard <- trait[selectARD,] ARD <- ARD[selectARD,] logicalARD <- (1:N) %in% selectARD # initianalization d0 <- exp(rnorm(n)); b0 <- exp(rnorm(K)); eta0 <- rep(1,K); zeta0 <- 1; z0 <- matrix(rvMF(n,rep(0,P)),n); v0 <- matrix(rvMF(K,rep(0,P)),K) # We need to fix some of the vk and bk for identification (see Breza et al. (2020) for details). vfixcolumn <- 1:6 bfixcolumn <- c(3, 5) b0[bfixcolumn] <- genb[bfixcolumn] v0[vfixcolumn,] <- genv[vfixcolumn,] start <- list("z" = z0, "v" = v0, "d" = d0, "b" = b0, "eta" = eta0, "zeta" = zeta0) # MCMC ARD out <- mcmcARD(Y = ARD, traitARD = traitard, start = start, fixv = vfixcolumn, consb = bfixcolumn, iteration = 5000) # fit network distribution dist <- fit.dnetwork(out, X = trait, obsARD = logicalARD, m = 1) library(ggplot2) ggplot(data.frame("etimated.degree" = dist$degree, "true.degree" = gend, "observed" = ifelse(logicalARD, TRUE, FALSE)), aes(x = etimated.degree, y = true.degree, colour = observed)) + geom_point()
set.seed(123) # GENERATE DATA # Sample size N <- 500 n <- 300 # ARD parameters genzeta <- 1 mu <- -1.35 sigma <- 0.37 K <- 12 # number of traits P <- 3 # Sphere dimension # Generate z (spherical coordinates) genz <- rvMF(N,rep(0,P)) # Genetate nu from a Normal distribution with parameters mu and sigma (The gregariousness) gennu <- rnorm(N,mu,sigma) # compute degrees gend <- N*exp(gennu)*exp(mu+0.5*sigma^2)*exp(logCpvMF(P,0) - logCpvMF(P,genzeta)) # Link probabilities Probabilities <- sim.dnetwork(gennu,gend,genzeta,genz) # Adjacency matrix G <- sim.network(Probabilities) # Generate vk, the trait location genv <- rvMF(K,rep(0,P)) # set fixed some vk distant genv[1,] <- c(1,0,0) genv[2,] <- c(0,1,0) genv[3,] <- c(0,0,1) # eta, the intensity parameter geneta <-abs(rnorm(K,2,1)) # Build traits matrix densityatz <- matrix(0,N,K) for(k in 1:K){ densityatz[,k] <- dvMF(genz,genv[k,]*geneta[k]) } trait <- matrix(0,N,K) NK <- floor(runif(K, 0.8, 0.95)*colSums(densityatz)/apply(densityatz, 2, max)) for (k in 1:K) { trait[,k] <- rbinom(N, 1, NK[k]*densityatz[,k]/sum(densityatz[,k])) } # print a percentage of people having a trait colSums(trait)*100/N # Build ARD ARD <- G %*% trait # generate b genb <- numeric(K) for(k in 1:K){ genb[k] <- sum(G[,trait[,k]==1])/sum(G) } ############ ARD Posterior distribution ################### # EXAMPLE 1: ARD observed for the entire population # initialization d0 <- exp(rnorm(N)); b0 <- exp(rnorm(K)); eta0 <- rep(1,K); zeta0 <- 1; z0 <- matrix(rvMF(N,rep(0,P)),N); v0 <- matrix(rvMF(K,rep(0,P)),K) # We need to fix some of the vk and bk for identification (see Breza et al. (2020) for details). vfixcolumn <- 1:6 bfixcolumn <- c(3, 5) b0[bfixcolumn] <- genb[bfixcolumn] v0[vfixcolumn,] <- genv[vfixcolumn,] start <- list("z" = z0, "v" = v0, "d" = d0, "b" = b0, "eta" = eta0, "zeta" = zeta0) # MCMC ARD out <- mcmcARD(Y = ARD, traitARD = trait, start = start, fixv = vfixcolumn, consb = bfixcolumn, iteration = 5000) # fit network distribution dist <- fit.dnetwork(out) plot(rowSums(dist$dnetwork), gend) abline(0, 1, col = "red") # EXAMPLE 2: ARD observed for a sample of the population # observed sample selectARD <- sort(sample(1:N, n, FALSE)) traitard <- trait[selectARD,] ARD <- ARD[selectARD,] logicalARD <- (1:N) %in% selectARD # initianalization d0 <- exp(rnorm(n)); b0 <- exp(rnorm(K)); eta0 <- rep(1,K); zeta0 <- 1; z0 <- matrix(rvMF(n,rep(0,P)),n); v0 <- matrix(rvMF(K,rep(0,P)),K) # We need to fix some of the vk and bk for identification (see Breza et al. (2020) for details). vfixcolumn <- 1:6 bfixcolumn <- c(3, 5) b0[bfixcolumn] <- genb[bfixcolumn] v0[vfixcolumn,] <- genv[vfixcolumn,] start <- list("z" = z0, "v" = v0, "d" = d0, "b" = b0, "eta" = eta0, "zeta" = zeta0) # MCMC ARD out <- mcmcARD(Y = ARD, traitARD = traitard, start = start, fixv = vfixcolumn, consb = bfixcolumn, iteration = 5000) # fit network distribution dist <- fit.dnetwork(out, X = trait, obsARD = logicalARD, m = 1) library(ggplot2) ggplot(data.frame("etimated.degree" = dist$degree, "true.degree" = gend, "observed" = ifelse(logicalARD, TRUE, FALSE)), aes(x = etimated.degree, y = true.degree, colour = observed)) + geom_point()
log of the Normalization Constant for the von Mises-Fisher distribution
of dimension p
with intensity parameter eta
logCpvMF(p, eta)
logCpvMF(p, eta)
p |
is the dimension of the hypersphere. |
eta |
is the intensity parameter. |
the log of normalization constant of the von Mises-Fisher distribution.
logCpvMF(2, 3.1)
logCpvMF(2, 3.1)
estimates the network model proposed by Breza et al. (2020).
mcmcARD( Y, traitARD, start, fixv, consb, iteration = 2000L, sim.d = TRUE, sim.zeta = TRUE, hyperparms = NULL, ctrl.mcmc = list() )
mcmcARD( Y, traitARD, start, fixv, consb, iteration = 2000L, sim.d = TRUE, sim.zeta = TRUE, hyperparms = NULL, ctrl.mcmc = list() )
Y |
is a matrix of ARD. The entry (i, k) is the number of i's friends having the trait k. |
traitARD |
is the matrix of traits for individuals with ARD. The entry (i, k) is equal to 1 if i has the trait k and 0 otherwise. |
start |
is a list containing starting values of |
fixv |
is a vector setting which location parameters are fixed for identifiability. These fixed positions are used to rotate the latent surface back to a common orientation at each iteration using a Procrustes transformation (see Section Identification in Details). |
consb |
is a vector of the subset of |
iteration |
is the number of MCMC steps to be performed. |
sim.d |
is logical indicating whether the degree |
sim.zeta |
is logical indicating whether the degree |
hyperparms |
is an 8-dimensional vector of hyperparameters (in this order) |
ctrl.mcmc |
is a list of MCMC controls (see Section MCMC control in Details). |
The linking probability is given by
McCormick and Zheng (2015) write the likelihood of the model with respect to the spherical coordinate ,
the trait locations
, the degree
, the fraction of ties in the network that are
made with members of group k
, the trait intensity parameter
The following
prior distributions are defined.
For identification, some and
need to be exogenously fixed around their given starting value
(see McCormick and Zheng, 2015 for more details). The parameter
can be used
to set the desired value for while
can be used to set the desired values for .
During the MCMC, the jumping scales are updated following Atchade and Rosenthal (2005) in order to target the acceptance rate of each parameter to the target
values. This
requires to set minimal and maximal jumping scales through the parameter ctrl.mcmc
. The parameter ctrl.mcmc
is a list which can contain the following named components.
: The default value is rep(0.44, 5)
The target of every ,
is 0.44.
: The default value is c(0,1,1e-7,1e-7,1e-7)*1e-5
The minimal jumping of every is 0, every
, and every
: The default value is c(100,1,1,1,1)*20
. The maximal jumping scale is 20 except for which is set to 2000.
: A logical value which indicates if the MCMC progression should be printed in the console. The default value is TRUE
A list consisting of:
n |
dimension of the sample with ARD. |
K |
number of traits. |
p |
hypersphere dimension. |
time |
elapsed time in second. |
iteration |
number of MCMC steps performed. |
simulations |
simulations from the posterior distribution. |
hyperparms |
return value of hyperparameters (updated and non updated). |
accept.rate |
list of acceptance rates. |
start |
starting values. |
ctrl.mcmc |
return value of |
# Sample size N <- 500 # ARD parameters genzeta <- 1 mu <- -1.35 sigma <- 0.37 K <- 12 # number of traits P <- 3 # Sphere dimension # Generate z (spherical coordinates) genz <- rvMF(N,rep(0,P)) # Generate nu from a Normal distribution with parameters mu and sigma (The gregariousness) gennu <- rnorm(N,mu,sigma) # compute degrees gend <- N*exp(gennu)*exp(mu+0.5*sigma^2)*exp(logCpvMF(P,0) - logCpvMF(P,genzeta)) # Link probabilities Probabilities <- sim.dnetwork(gennu,gend,genzeta,genz) # Adjacency matrix G <- sim.network(Probabilities) # Generate vk, the trait location genv <- rvMF(K,rep(0,P)) # set fixed some vk distant genv[1,] <- c(1,0,0) genv[2,] <- c(0,1,0) genv[3,] <- c(0,0,1) # eta, the intensity parameter geneta <-abs(rnorm(K,2,1)) # Build traits matrix densityatz <- matrix(0,N,K) for(k in 1:K){ densityatz[,k] <- dvMF(genz,genv[k,]*geneta[k]) } trait <- matrix(0,N,K) NK <- floor(runif(K, 0.8, 0.95)*colSums(densityatz)/apply(densityatz, 2, max)) for (k in 1:K) { trait[,k] <- rbinom(N, 1, NK[k]*densityatz[,k]/sum(densityatz[,k])) } # print a percentage of people having a trait colSums(trait)*100/N # Build ARD ARD <- G %*% trait # generate b genb <- numeric(K) for(k in 1:K){ genb[k] <- sum(G[,trait[,k]==1])/sum(G) } ############ ARD Posterior distribution ################### # initialization d0 <- exp(rnorm(N)); b0 <- exp(rnorm(K)); eta0 <- rep(1,K); zeta0 <- 05; z0 <- matrix(rvMF(N,rep(0,P)),N); v0 <- matrix(rvMF(K,rep(0,P)),K) # We need to fix some of the vk and bk for identification (see Breza et al. (2020) for details). vfixcolumn <- 1:6 bfixcolumn <- c(3, 5) b0[bfixcolumn] <- genb[bfixcolumn] v0[vfixcolumn,] <- genv[vfixcolumn,] start <- list("z" = z0, "v" = v0, "d" = d0, "b" = b0, "eta" = eta0, "zeta" = zeta0) # MCMC out <- mcmcARD(Y = ARD, traitARD = trait, start = start, fixv = vfixcolumn, consb = bfixcolumn, iteration = 5000) # plot simulations # plot d plot(out$simulations$d[,100], type = "l", col = "blue", ylab = "") abline(h = gend[100], col = "red") # plot coordinates of individuals i <- 123 # individual 123 { lapply(1:3, function(x) { plot(out$simulations$z[i, x,] , type = "l", ylab = "", col = "blue", ylim = c(-1, 1)) abline(h = genz[i, x], col = "red") }) } # plot coordinates of traits k <- 8 { lapply(1:3, function(x) { plot(out$simulations$v[k, x,] , type = "l", ylab = "", col = "blue", ylim = c(-1, 1)) abline(h = genv[k, x], col = "red") }) }
# Sample size N <- 500 # ARD parameters genzeta <- 1 mu <- -1.35 sigma <- 0.37 K <- 12 # number of traits P <- 3 # Sphere dimension # Generate z (spherical coordinates) genz <- rvMF(N,rep(0,P)) # Generate nu from a Normal distribution with parameters mu and sigma (The gregariousness) gennu <- rnorm(N,mu,sigma) # compute degrees gend <- N*exp(gennu)*exp(mu+0.5*sigma^2)*exp(logCpvMF(P,0) - logCpvMF(P,genzeta)) # Link probabilities Probabilities <- sim.dnetwork(gennu,gend,genzeta,genz) # Adjacency matrix G <- sim.network(Probabilities) # Generate vk, the trait location genv <- rvMF(K,rep(0,P)) # set fixed some vk distant genv[1,] <- c(1,0,0) genv[2,] <- c(0,1,0) genv[3,] <- c(0,0,1) # eta, the intensity parameter geneta <-abs(rnorm(K,2,1)) # Build traits matrix densityatz <- matrix(0,N,K) for(k in 1:K){ densityatz[,k] <- dvMF(genz,genv[k,]*geneta[k]) } trait <- matrix(0,N,K) NK <- floor(runif(K, 0.8, 0.95)*colSums(densityatz)/apply(densityatz, 2, max)) for (k in 1:K) { trait[,k] <- rbinom(N, 1, NK[k]*densityatz[,k]/sum(densityatz[,k])) } # print a percentage of people having a trait colSums(trait)*100/N # Build ARD ARD <- G %*% trait # generate b genb <- numeric(K) for(k in 1:K){ genb[k] <- sum(G[,trait[,k]==1])/sum(G) } ############ ARD Posterior distribution ################### # initialization d0 <- exp(rnorm(N)); b0 <- exp(rnorm(K)); eta0 <- rep(1,K); zeta0 <- 05; z0 <- matrix(rvMF(N,rep(0,P)),N); v0 <- matrix(rvMF(K,rep(0,P)),K) # We need to fix some of the vk and bk for identification (see Breza et al. (2020) for details). vfixcolumn <- 1:6 bfixcolumn <- c(3, 5) b0[bfixcolumn] <- genb[bfixcolumn] v0[vfixcolumn,] <- genv[vfixcolumn,] start <- list("z" = z0, "v" = v0, "d" = d0, "b" = b0, "eta" = eta0, "zeta" = zeta0) # MCMC out <- mcmcARD(Y = ARD, traitARD = trait, start = start, fixv = vfixcolumn, consb = bfixcolumn, iteration = 5000) # plot simulations # plot d plot(out$simulations$d[,100], type = "l", col = "blue", ylab = "") abline(h = gend[100], col = "red") # plot coordinates of individuals i <- 123 # individual 123 { lapply(1:3, function(x) { plot(out$simulations$z[i, x,] , type = "l", ylab = "", col = "blue", ylim = c(-1, 1)) abline(h = genz[i, x], col = "red") }) } # plot coordinates of traits k <- 8 { lapply(1:3, function(x) { plot(out$simulations$v[k, x,] , type = "l", ylab = "", col = "blue", ylim = c(-1, 1)) abline(h = genv[k, x], col = "red") }) }
implements the Bayesian estimator of the linear-in-mean SAR model when only the linking probabilities are available or can be estimated.
mcmcSAR( formula, contextual, start, G0.obs, G0 = NULL, mlinks = list(), hyperparms = list(), ctrl.mcmc = list(), iteration = 2000L, data )
mcmcSAR( formula, contextual, start, G0.obs, G0 = NULL, mlinks = list(), hyperparms = list(), ctrl.mcmc = list(), iteration = 2000L, data )
formula |
object of class formula: a symbolic description of the model. The |
contextual |
(optional) logical; if true, this means that all individual variables will be set as contextual variables. Set
start |
(optional) vector of starting value of the model parameter as |
G0.obs |
list of matrices (or simply matrix if the list contains only one matrix) indicating the part of the network data which is observed. If the (i,j)-th element
of the m-th matrix is one, then the element at the same position in the network data will be considered as observed and will not be inferred in the MCMC. In contrast,
if the (i,j)-th element of the m-th matrix is zero, the element at the same position in the network data will be considered as a starting value of the missing link which will be inferred.
G0 |
list of sub-network matrices (or simply network matrix if there is only one sub-network). |
mlinks |
list specifying the network formation model (see Section Network formation model in Details). |
hyperparms |
(optional) is a list of hyperparameters (see Section Hyperparameters in Details). |
ctrl.mcmc |
list of MCMC controls (see Section MCMC control in Details). |
iteration |
number of MCMC steps to be performed. |
data |
optional data frame, list or environment (or object coercible by as.data.frame to a data frame) containing the variables
in the model. If missing, the variables are taken from |
The model is given by
The parameters to estimate in this model are the matrix , the vectors
and the scalar
Prior distributions are assumed on
, the adjacency matrix in which
if i is connected to j and
otherwise, and on
where is the linking probability. The linking probability is an hyperparameters that can be set fixed or updated using a network formation model.
The linking probability can be set fixed or updated using a network formation model. Information about how should be handled in in the MCMC can be set through the
which should be a list with named elements. Divers specifications of network formation model are possible. The list assigned to mlist
should include
an element named model
. The expected values of model
are "none"
(default value), "logit"
, "probit"
, and "latent space"
means that the network distribution is set fixed throughout the MCMC,
or "logit"
implies that the network distribution will be updated using a Probit or Logit model,
"latent spate"
means that will be updated following Breza et al. (2020).
To set fixed,
could contain,
, a list, where the m-th elements is the matrix of
link probability in the m-th sub-network.
model = "none"
(optional as "none"
is the default value).
For the Probit and Logit specification as network formation model, the following elements could be declared in mlinks
model = "probit"
or model = "logit"
object of class formula: a symbolic description of the Logit or Probit model. The formula
should only specify the explanatory variables, as for example ~ x1 + x2
the variables x1
and x2
are the dyadic observable characteristics. Each variable should verify length(x) == sum(N^2 - N)
where N
is a vector of the number of individual in each sub-network. Indeed, x
will be associated with the entries
; ...;
; ... of the linking probability and
as so, in all the sub-networks. Functions
and vec.to.mat
can be used to convert a list of dyadic variable as in matrix form to a format that suits mlinks.formula
(optional) is a vector of weights of observed entries. This is important to address the selection problem of observed entries. Default is a vector of ones.
(optional when a part of the network is observed) is a list containing rho
, a vector of the estimates of the Probit or Logit
parameters, and var.rho
the covariance matrix of the estimator. These estimates can be automatically computed when a part of the network data is available.
In this case, rho
and the unobserved part of the network are updated without using the observed part of the network. The latter is assumed non-stochastic in the MCMC.
In addition, if G0.obs = "none"
, estimates
should also include N
, a vector of the number of individuals in each sub-network.
(optional) is a list containing rho
, a vector of the prior beliefs on rho
, and var.rho
the prior covariance matrix of rho
. This input
is relevant only when the observed part of the network is used to update rho
, i.e. only when estimates = NULL
(so, either estimates
or prior
should be NULL
To understand the difference between
and prior
, note that estimates
includes initial estimates of rho
and var.rho
, meaning that the observed part of the network is not used in the MCMC
to update rho
. In contrast, prior
contains the prior beliefs of the user, and therefore, rho
is updated using this prior and information from the observed part of the network.
In addition, if G0.obs = "none"
, prior
should also include N
, a vector of the number of individuals in each sub-network.
optional data frame, list or environment (or object coercible by as.data.frame to a data frame) containing the dyadic observable characteristics
If missing, the variables will be taken from environment(mlinks.formula)
, typically the environment from which mcmcARD
is called.
The following element could be declared in mlinks
model = "latent space"
a list of objects of class mcmcARD
, where the m-th element is Breza et al. (2020) estimator as returned by the function mcmcARD
in the m-th sub-network.
(required only when ARD are partially observed) is a list of matrices, where the m-th element is the variable matrix to use to compute distance between individuals (could be the list of traits) in the m-th sub-network.
The distances will be used to compute gregariousness and coordinates for individuals without ARD by k-nearest neighbors approach.
(required only when ARD are partially observed) is a list of logical vectors, where the i-th entry of the m-th vector indicates by TRUE
if the i-th individual in the m-th
sub-network has ARD or not.
(optional, default value is rep(1, M
)) is a vector indicating the number of neighbors to use in each sub-network.
(optional) set the burn-in to summarize the posterior distribution in estimates
All the hyperparameters can be defined through the argument hyperparms
(a list) and should be named as follow.
, the prior mean of . The default value assumes that
the prior mean is zero.
as . The default value is a diagonal matrix with 0.01 on the diagonal.
, the prior mean of . The default value is zero.
, the inverse of the prior variance of with default value equal to 2.
and b
which default values equal to 4.2 and 2.2 respectively. This means for example that the prior mean of is 1.
Inverses are used for the prior variance through the argument hyperparms
in order to allow non informative prior. Set the inverse of the prior
variance to 0 is equivalent to assume a non informative prior.
During the MCMC, the jumping scales of and
are updated following Atchade and Rosenthal (2005) in order to target the acceptance rate to the
value. This
requires to set a minimal and a maximal jumping scales through the parameter ctrl.mcmc
. The parameter ctrl.mcmc
is a list which can contain the following named components.
: the default value is c("alpha" = 0.44, "rho" = 0.234)
: the default value is c("alpha" = 1e-5, "rho" = 1e-5)
: the default value is c("alpha" = 10, "rho" = 10)
: an integer in {0, 1, 2} that indicates if the MCMC progression should be printed in the console.
If 0, the MCMC progression is not be printed. If 1 (default value), the progression is printed and if 2,
the simulations from the posterior distribution are printed.
: The maximal number of entries that can be updated simultaneously in . It might be
more efficient to update simultaneously 2 or 3 entries (see Boucher and Houndetoungan, 2022).
If block.max
> 1, several entries are randomly chosen from the same row and updated simultaneously. The number of entries chosen is randomly
chosen between 1 and block.max
. In addition, the entries are not chosen in order. For example, on the row i, the entries (i, 5) and (i, 9) can be updated simultaneously,
then the entries (i, 1), (i, 3), (i, 8), and so on.
A list consisting of:
n.group |
number of groups. |
N |
vector of each group size. |
time |
elapsed time to run the MCMC in second. |
iteration |
number of MCMC steps performed. |
posterior |
matrix (or list of matrices) containing the simulations. |
hyperparms |
return value of |
mlinks |
return value of |
accept.rate |
acceptance rates. |
prop.net |
proportion of observed network data. |
method.net |
network formation model specification. |
start |
starting values. |
formula |
input value of |
contextual |
input value of |
ctrl.mcmc |
return value of |
# We assume that the network is fully observed # See our vignette for examples where the network is partially observed # Number of groups M <- 50 # size of each group N <- rep(30,M) # individual effects beta <- c(2,1,1.5) # contextual effects gamma <- c(5,-3) # endogenous effects alpha <- 0.4 # std-dev errors se <- 1 # prior distribution prior <- runif(sum(N*(N-1))) prior <- vec.to.mat(prior, N, normalise = FALSE) # covariates X <- cbind(rnorm(sum(N),0,5),rpois(sum(N),7)) # true network G0 <- sim.network(prior) # normalise G0norm <- norm.network(G0) GX <- peer.avg(G0norm, X) # simulate dependent variable use an external package y <- CDatanet::simsar(~ X + GX, Glist = G0norm, theta = c(alpha, beta, gamma, se)) y <- y$y # dataset dataset <- as.data.frame(cbind(y, X1 = X[,1], X2 = X[,2])) out.none1 <- mcmcSAR(formula = y ~ X1 + X2, contextual = TRUE, G0.obs = "all", G0 = G0, data = dataset, iteration = 1e4) summary(out.none1) plot(out.none1) plot(out.none1, plot.type = "dens")
# We assume that the network is fully observed # See our vignette for examples where the network is partially observed # Number of groups M <- 50 # size of each group N <- rep(30,M) # individual effects beta <- c(2,1,1.5) # contextual effects gamma <- c(5,-3) # endogenous effects alpha <- 0.4 # std-dev errors se <- 1 # prior distribution prior <- runif(sum(N*(N-1))) prior <- vec.to.mat(prior, N, normalise = FALSE) # covariates X <- cbind(rnorm(sum(N),0,5),rpois(sum(N),7)) # true network G0 <- sim.network(prior) # normalise G0norm <- norm.network(G0) GX <- peer.avg(G0norm, X) # simulate dependent variable use an external package y <- CDatanet::simsar(~ X + GX, Glist = G0norm, theta = c(alpha, beta, gamma, se)) y <- y$y # dataset dataset <- as.data.frame(cbind(y, X1 = X[,1], X2 = X[,2])) out.none1 <- mcmcSAR(formula = y ~ X1 + X2, contextual = TRUE, G0.obs = "all", G0 = G0, data = dataset, iteration = 1e4) summary(out.none1) plot(out.none1) plot(out.none1, plot.type = "dens")
computes peer average value using network data (as a list) and observable characteristics.
peer.avg(Glist, V, export.as.list = FALSE)
peer.avg(Glist, V, export.as.list = FALSE)
Glist |
the adjacency matrix or list sub-adjacency matrix. |
V |
vector or matrix of observable characteristics. |
export.as.list |
(optional) boolean to indicate if the output should be a list of matrices or a single matrix. |
the matrix product diag(Glist[[1]], Glist[[2]], ...) %*% V
, where diag()
is the block diagonal operator.
# Generate a list of adjacency matrices ## sub-network size N <- c(250, 370, 120) ## rate of friendship p <- c(.2, .15, .18) ## network data u <- unlist(lapply(1: 3, function(x) rbinom(N[x]*(N[x] - 1), 1, p[x]))) G <- vec.to.mat(u, N, normalise = TRUE) # Generate a vector y y <- rnorm(sum(N)) # Compute G%*%y Gy <- peer.avg(Glist = G, V = y)
# Generate a list of adjacency matrices ## sub-network size N <- c(250, 370, 120) ## rate of friendship p <- c(.2, .15, .18) ## network data u <- unlist(lapply(1: 3, function(x) rbinom(N[x]*(N[x] - 1), 1, p[x]))) G <- vec.to.mat(u, N, normalise = TRUE) # Generate a vector y y <- rnorm(sum(N)) # Compute G%*%y Gy <- peer.avg(Glist = G, V = y)
Plotting the simulation from the posterior distribution as well as the density functions of Bayesian SAR model parameter. For more details about the graphical parameter arguments, see par.
## S3 method for class 'mcmcSAR' plot(x, plot.type = "sim", burnin = NULL, which.parms = "theta", ...) ## S3 method for class 'plot.mcmcSAR' print(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'mcmcSAR' plot(x, plot.type = "sim", burnin = NULL, which.parms = "theta", ...) ## S3 method for class 'plot.mcmcSAR' print(x, ...)
x |
object of class "mcmcSAR", output of the function |
plot.type |
character indicating the type of plot: |
burnin |
number of MCMC steps which will be considered as burn-in iterations. If |
which.parms |
character indicating the parameters whose the posterior distribution will be plotted: |
... |
arguments to be passed to methods, such as par. |
A list consisting of:
n.group |
number of groups. |
N |
vector of each group size. |
iteration |
number of MCMC steps performed. |
burnin |
number of MCMC steps which will be considered as burn-in iterations. |
posterior |
summary of the posterior distribution to be plotted. |
hyperparms |
return value of |
accept.rate |
acceptance rate of zeta. |
propG0.obs |
proportion of observed network data. |
method.net |
network formation model specification. |
formula |
input value of |
ctrl.mcmc |
return value of |
which.parms |
return value of |
plot.type |
type of the plot. |
... |
arguments passed to methods. |
The function optimally removes identifiers with NA in a list of adjacency matrices. Many combinations of rows and columns can be deleted removing many rows and column
remove.ids(network, ncores = 1L)
remove.ids(network, ncores = 1L)
network |
is a list of adjacency matrices |
ncores |
is the number of cores to be used to run the program in parallel |
List of adjacency matrices without missing values and a list of vectors of retained indeces
A <- matrix(1:25, 5) A[1, 1] <- NA A[4, 2] <- NA remove.ids(A) B <- matrix(1:100, 10) B[1, 1] <- NA B[4, 2] <- NA B[2, 4] <- NA B[,8] <-NA remove.ids(B)
A <- matrix(1:25, 5) A[1, 1] <- NA A[4, 2] <- NA remove.ids(A) B <- matrix(1:100, 10) B[1, 1] <- NA B[4, 2] <- NA B[2, 4] <- NA B[,8] <-NA remove.ids(B)
Random generation for the von Mises-Fisher distribution
of dimension p
with location parameter mu
and intensity parameter eta
(see Wood, 1994; Mardia, 2014).
rvMF(size, theta)
rvMF(size, theta)
size |
is the number of simulations. |
theta |
is the parameter as |
A matrix whose each row is a random draw from the distribution.
# Draw 10 vectors from vMF with parameters eta = 1 and mu = c(1,0) rvMF(10,c(1,0)) # Draw 10 vectors from vMF with parameters eta = sqrt(14) and mu proportional to (2,1,3) rvMF(10,c(2,1,3)) # Draw from the vMF distribution with mean direction proportional to c(1, -1) # and concentration parameter 3 rvMF(10, 3 * c(1, -1) / sqrt(2))
# Draw 10 vectors from vMF with parameters eta = 1 and mu = c(1,0) rvMF(10,c(1,0)) # Draw 10 vectors from vMF with parameters eta = sqrt(14) and mu proportional to (2,1,3) rvMF(10,c(2,1,3)) # Draw from the vMF distribution with mean direction proportional to c(1, -1) # and concentration parameter 3 rvMF(10, 3 * c(1, -1) / sqrt(2))
Compute the distribution of the network following McCormick and Zheng (2015) and Breza et al. (2020).
sim.dnetwork(nu, d, zeta, z)
sim.dnetwork(nu, d, zeta, z)
nu |
is the vector of gregariousness. |
d |
is the vector of degrees. |
zeta |
is a scale parameter that captures the influence of the latent positions on the link probabilities. |
z |
is a matrix where each row is a spherical coordinate. |
a matrix of linking probabilities.
N <- 500 zeta <- 1 # Generate the spherical coordinates z <- rvMF(N, c(0, 0, 0)) # Genetate the gregariousness nu <- rnorm(N, -1.35, 0.37) # Generate degrees d <- runif(N, 0, 45) dist <- sim.dnetwork(nu, d, zeta, z)
N <- 500 zeta <- 1 # Generate the spherical coordinates z <- rvMF(N, c(0, 0, 0)) # Genetate the gregariousness nu <- rnorm(N, -1.35, 0.37) # Generate degrees d <- runif(N, 0, 45) dist <- sim.dnetwork(nu, d, zeta, z)
generates Instrument Variables (IV) for linear-in-mean SAR models using only the distribution of the network. See Propositions 1 and 2 of Boucher and Houndetoungan (2020).
sim.IV( dnetwork, X, y = NULL, replication = 1L, power = 1L, exp.network = FALSE )
sim.IV( dnetwork, X, y = NULL, replication = 1L, power = 1L, exp.network = FALSE )
dnetwork |
network matrix of list of sub-network matrices, where the (i, j)-th position is the probability that i be connected to j. |
X |
matrix of the individual observable characteristics. |
y |
(optional) the endogenous variable as a vector. |
replication |
(optional, default = 1) is the number of repetitions (see details). |
power |
(optional, default = 1) is the number of powers of the interaction matrix used to generate the instruments (see details). |
exp.network |
(optional, default = FALSE) indicates if simulated network should be exported. |
Bramoulle et al. (2009) show that one can use ,
, ...,
as instruments for
, where
is the maximal power desired.
generate approximation of those instruments, based on Propositions 1 and 2 in Boucher and Houndetoungan (2020) (see also below).
The argument power
is the maximal power desired.
When and the instruments
, ...,
are not observed,
Boucher and Houndetoungan (2022) show that we can use one drawn from the distribution of the network in order to approximate
, but that
the same draw should not be used to approximate the instruments. Thus, each component in the function's output gives
and G1X
computed with the same network and G2X
computed with another network, which can be used in order to approximate the instruments.
This process can be replicated several times and the argument replication
can be used to set the number of replications desired.
list of replication
components. Each component is a list containing G1y
(if the argument y
was provided), G1
(if exp.network = TRUE
), G2
(if exp.network = TRUE
) , G1X
, and
where G1
and G2
are independent draws of network from the distribution (see details).
G1y |
is an approximation of |
G1X |
is an approximation of |
G2X |
is an approximation of |
library(AER) # Number of groups M <- 30 # size of each group N <- rep(50,M) # individual effects beta <- c(2,1,1.5) # endogenous effects alpha <- 0.4 # std-dev errors se <- 2 # prior distribution prior <- runif(sum(N*(N-1))) prior <- vec.to.mat(prior, N, normalise = FALSE) # covariates X <- cbind(rnorm(sum(N),0,5),rpois(sum(N),7)) # true network G0 <- sim.network(prior) # normalise G0norm <- norm.network(G0) # simulate dependent variable use an external package y <- CDatanet::simsar(~ X, Glist = G0norm, theta = c(alpha, beta, se)) y <- y$y # generate instruments instr <- sim.IV(prior, X, y, replication = 1, power = 1) GY1c1 <- instr[[1]]$G1y # proxy for Gy (draw 1) GXc1 <- instr[[1]]$G1X[,,1] # proxy for GX (draw 1) GXc2 <- instr[[1]]$G2X[,,1] # proxy for GX (draw 2) # build dataset # keep only instrument constructed using a different draw than the one used to proxy Gy dataset <- as.data.frame(cbind(y, X, GY1c1, GXc1, GXc2)) colnames(dataset) <- c("y","X1","X2","G1y", "G1X1", "G1X2", "G2X1", "G2X2") # Same draws out.iv1 <- ivreg(y ~ X1 + X2 + G1y | X1 + X2 + G1X1 + G1X2, data = dataset) summary(out.iv1) # Different draws out.iv2 <- ivreg(y ~ X1 + X2 + G1y | X1 + X2 + G2X1 + G2X2, data = dataset) summary(out.iv2)
library(AER) # Number of groups M <- 30 # size of each group N <- rep(50,M) # individual effects beta <- c(2,1,1.5) # endogenous effects alpha <- 0.4 # std-dev errors se <- 2 # prior distribution prior <- runif(sum(N*(N-1))) prior <- vec.to.mat(prior, N, normalise = FALSE) # covariates X <- cbind(rnorm(sum(N),0,5),rpois(sum(N),7)) # true network G0 <- sim.network(prior) # normalise G0norm <- norm.network(G0) # simulate dependent variable use an external package y <- CDatanet::simsar(~ X, Glist = G0norm, theta = c(alpha, beta, se)) y <- y$y # generate instruments instr <- sim.IV(prior, X, y, replication = 1, power = 1) GY1c1 <- instr[[1]]$G1y # proxy for Gy (draw 1) GXc1 <- instr[[1]]$G1X[,,1] # proxy for GX (draw 1) GXc2 <- instr[[1]]$G2X[,,1] # proxy for GX (draw 2) # build dataset # keep only instrument constructed using a different draw than the one used to proxy Gy dataset <- as.data.frame(cbind(y, X, GY1c1, GXc1, GXc2)) colnames(dataset) <- c("y","X1","X2","G1y", "G1X1", "G1X2", "G2X1", "G2X2") # Same draws out.iv1 <- ivreg(y ~ X1 + X2 + G1y | X1 + X2 + G1X1 + G1X2, data = dataset) summary(out.iv1) # Different draws out.iv2 <- ivreg(y ~ X1 + X2 + G1y | X1 + X2 + G2X1 + G2X2, data = dataset) summary(out.iv2)
Simulating network data
sim.network(dnetwork, normalise = FALSE)
sim.network(dnetwork, normalise = FALSE)
dnetwork |
is a list of sub-network matrices, where the (i, j)-th position of the m-th matrix is the probability that i be connected to j, with i and j individuals from the m-th network. |
normalise |
boolean takes |
list of (row-normalized) adjacency matrices.
# Generate a list of adjacency matrices ## sub-network size N <- c(250, 370, 120) ## distribution dnetwork <- lapply(N, function(x) matrix(runif(x^2), x)) ## network G <- sim.network(dnetwork)
# Generate a list of adjacency matrices ## sub-network size N <- c(250, 370, 120) ## distribution dnetwork <- lapply(N, function(x) matrix(runif(x^2), x)) ## network G <- sim.network(dnetwork)
implements the Simulated Method of Moments (SMM) estimator of the linear-in-mean SAR model when only the linking probabilities are available or can be estimated.
smmSAR( formula, contextual = FALSE, fixed.effects = FALSE, dnetwork, W = "identity", smm.ctr = list(R = 30L, iv.power = 2L, opt.tol = 1e-04, smoother = FALSE, print = FALSE), cond.var = TRUE, data )
smmSAR( formula, contextual = FALSE, fixed.effects = FALSE, dnetwork, W = "identity", smm.ctr = list(R = 30L, iv.power = 2L, opt.tol = 1e-04, smoother = FALSE, print = FALSE), cond.var = TRUE, data )
formula |
object of class formula: a symbolic description of the model. The |
contextual |
logical; if true, this means that all individual variables will be set as contextual variables. In contrast |
fixed.effects |
logical; if true, group heterogeneity is included as fixed effects. |
dnetwork |
a list, where the m-th elements is the matrix of link probability in the m-th sub-network. |
W |
is the weighted-matrix in the objective function of the SMM. |
smm.ctr |
is the list of some control parameters (see details). |
cond.var |
logical; if true the estimator variance conditional on |
data |
optional data frame, list or environment (or object coercible by as.data.frame to a data frame) containing the variables
in the model. If missing, the variables are taken from |
The parameter smm.ctr
is the list of some control parameters such as:
numbers of draws R (in the package, we assume S = 1 and T = 1);
number of powers of the network matrix G
to be used to construct instruments;
optimization tolerance that will be used in optimize;
(logical) which indicates if draws should be performed using the smoother simulator;
bandwith of the smoother (required if smoother = TRUE
(logical) indicates if the optimization process should be printed step by step.
A list consisting of:
n.group |
number of groups. |
N |
vector of each group size. |
time |
elapsed time to run the SMM in second. |
estimates |
vector of estimated parameters. |
formula |
input value of |
contextual |
input value of |
fixed.effects |
input value of |
smm.ctr |
input value of |
details |
other details of the model. |
# Number of groups M <- 100 # size of each group N <- rep(30,M) # covariates X <- cbind(rnorm(sum(N),0,5),rpois(sum(N),7)) # network formation model parameter rho <- c(-0.8, 0.2, -0.1) # individual effects beta <- c(2, 1, 1.5, 5, -3) # endogenous effects alpha <- 0.4 # std-dev errors se <- 1 # network tmp <- c(0, cumsum(N)) X1l <- lapply(1:M, function(x) X[c(tmp[x] + 1):tmp[x+1],1]) X2l <- lapply(1:M, function(x) X[c(tmp[x] + 1):tmp[x+1],2]) dist.net <- function(x, y) abs(x - y) X1.mat <- lapply(1:M, function(m) { matrix(kronecker(X1l[[m]], X1l[[m]], FUN = dist.net), N[m])}) X2.mat <- lapply(1:M, function(m) { matrix(kronecker(X2l[[m]], X2l[[m]], FUN = dist.net), N[m])}) Xnet <- as.matrix(cbind("Const" = 1, "dX1" = mat.to.vec(X1.mat), "dX2" = mat.to.vec(X2.mat))) ynet <- Xnet %*% rho ynet <- c(1*((ynet + rlogis(length(ynet))) > 0)) G0 <- vec.to.mat(ynet, N, normalise = FALSE) # normalise G0norm <- norm.network(G0) # Matrix GX GX <- peer.avg(G0norm, X) # simulate the dependent variable use an external package y <- CDatanet::simsar(~ X + GX, Glist = G0norm, theta = c(alpha, beta, se)) Gy <- y$Gy y <- y$y # build dataset dataset <- as.data.frame(cbind(y, X, Gy, GX)) colnames(dataset) <- c("y","X1","X2", "Gy", "GX1", "GX2") nNet <- nrow(Xnet) # network formation model sample size Aobs <- sample(1:nNet, round(0.3*nNet)) # We observed 30% # We can estimate rho using the gml function from the stats package logestim <- glm(ynet[Aobs] ~ -1 + Xnet[Aobs,], family = binomial(link = "logit")) slogestim <- summary(logestim) rho.est <- logestim$coefficients rho.var <- slogestim$cov.unscaled # we also need the covariance of the estimator d.logit <- lapply(1:M, function(x) { out <- 1/(1 + exp(-rho.est[1] - rho.est[2]*X1.mat[[x]] - rho.est[3]*X2.mat[[x]])) diag(out) <- 0 out}) smm.logit <- smmSAR(y ~ X1 + X2, dnetwork = d.logit, contextual = TRUE, smm.ctr = list(R = 100L, print = TRUE), data = dataset) summary(smm.logit, dnetwork = d.logit, data = dataset)
# Number of groups M <- 100 # size of each group N <- rep(30,M) # covariates X <- cbind(rnorm(sum(N),0,5),rpois(sum(N),7)) # network formation model parameter rho <- c(-0.8, 0.2, -0.1) # individual effects beta <- c(2, 1, 1.5, 5, -3) # endogenous effects alpha <- 0.4 # std-dev errors se <- 1 # network tmp <- c(0, cumsum(N)) X1l <- lapply(1:M, function(x) X[c(tmp[x] + 1):tmp[x+1],1]) X2l <- lapply(1:M, function(x) X[c(tmp[x] + 1):tmp[x+1],2]) dist.net <- function(x, y) abs(x - y) X1.mat <- lapply(1:M, function(m) { matrix(kronecker(X1l[[m]], X1l[[m]], FUN = dist.net), N[m])}) X2.mat <- lapply(1:M, function(m) { matrix(kronecker(X2l[[m]], X2l[[m]], FUN = dist.net), N[m])}) Xnet <- as.matrix(cbind("Const" = 1, "dX1" = mat.to.vec(X1.mat), "dX2" = mat.to.vec(X2.mat))) ynet <- Xnet %*% rho ynet <- c(1*((ynet + rlogis(length(ynet))) > 0)) G0 <- vec.to.mat(ynet, N, normalise = FALSE) # normalise G0norm <- norm.network(G0) # Matrix GX GX <- peer.avg(G0norm, X) # simulate the dependent variable use an external package y <- CDatanet::simsar(~ X + GX, Glist = G0norm, theta = c(alpha, beta, se)) Gy <- y$Gy y <- y$y # build dataset dataset <- as.data.frame(cbind(y, X, Gy, GX)) colnames(dataset) <- c("y","X1","X2", "Gy", "GX1", "GX2") nNet <- nrow(Xnet) # network formation model sample size Aobs <- sample(1:nNet, round(0.3*nNet)) # We observed 30% # We can estimate rho using the gml function from the stats package logestim <- glm(ynet[Aobs] ~ -1 + Xnet[Aobs,], family = binomial(link = "logit")) slogestim <- summary(logestim) rho.est <- logestim$coefficients rho.var <- slogestim$cov.unscaled # we also need the covariance of the estimator d.logit <- lapply(1:M, function(x) { out <- 1/(1 + exp(-rho.est[1] - rho.est[2]*X1.mat[[x]] - rho.est[3]*X2.mat[[x]])) diag(out) <- 0 out}) smm.logit <- smmSAR(y ~ X1 + X2, dnetwork = d.logit, contextual = TRUE, smm.ctr = list(R = 100L, print = TRUE), data = dataset) summary(smm.logit, dnetwork = d.logit, data = dataset)
Summary and print methods for the class mcmcSAR
## S3 method for class 'mcmcSAR' summary(object, alpha = 0.95, plot.type = NULL, burnin = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'summary.mcmcSAR' print(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'mcmcSAR' print(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'mcmcSAR' summary(object, alpha = 0.95, plot.type = NULL, burnin = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'summary.mcmcSAR' print(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'mcmcSAR' print(x, ...)
object |
an object of class "mcmcSAR", output of the function |
alpha |
(optional, default = 0.95), the significance level of parameter. |
plot.type |
(optional) a character that indicate if the simulations from the posterior distribution should be printed
(if |
burnin |
is the number of MCMC steps which will be considered as burn-in iterations. If |
... |
further arguments passed to or from other methods. |
x |
an object of class "summary.mcmcSAR" or "mcmcSAR, output of the functions |
The function is smart and allows all the possible arguments with the functions summary,
plot, par... such as col
, lty
, mfrow
... summary.mcmcSAR
and print.mcmcSAR
can be called by summary
or print
A list consisting of:
n.group |
number of groups. |
N |
vector of each group size. |
iteration |
number of MCMC steps performed. |
burnin |
number of MCMC steps which will be considered as burn-in iterations. |
posterior |
matrix (or list of matrices) containing the simulations. |
hyperparms |
return value of |
accept.rate |
acceptance rate of zeta. |
prop.net |
proportion of observed network data. |
method.net |
network formation model specification. |
formula |
input value of |
alpha |
significance level of parameter. |
ctrl.mcmc |
return value of |
... |
arguments passed to methods. |
Summary and print methods for the class smmSAR
## S3 method for class 'smmSAR' summary(object, .fun, .args, sim = 30, ncores = 1, dnetwork, data, ...) ## S3 method for class 'summary.smmSAR' print(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'smmSAR' print(x, dnetwork, .fun, .args, sim = NULL, ncores = 1, data, ...)
## S3 method for class 'smmSAR' summary(object, .fun, .args, sim = 30, ncores = 1, dnetwork, data, ...) ## S3 method for class 'summary.smmSAR' print(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'smmSAR' print(x, dnetwork, .fun, .args, sim = NULL, ncores = 1, data, ...)
object |
an object of class "smmSAR", output of the function |
.fun , .args
are used to simulate from the distribution of |
sim |
the number of simulations of |
ncores |
the number of cores to be used for the simulation. Use a lot of cores for fast simulations. |
dnetwork |
a list, where the m-th elements is the matrix of link probability in the m-th sub-network. |
data |
optional data frame, list or environment (or object coercible by as.data.frame to a data frame) containing the variables
in the model. If missing, the variables are taken from |
... |
further arguments passed to or from other methods. |
x |
an object of class "summary.smmSAR" or "smmSAR", output of the functions |
A list consisting of:
n.group |
number of groups. |
N |
vector of each group size. |
estimates |
vector of estimated parameters. |
formula |
input value of |
contextual |
input value of |
fixed.effects |
input value of |
smm.ctr |
input value of |
details |
other details of the model. |
creates a list of square matrices from a given vector.
The elements of the generated matrices are taken from the vector and placed column-wise (ie. the first column is filled up before filling the second column) and from the first matrix of the list to the last matrix of the list.
The diagonal of the generated matrices are zeros.
creates a vector from a given list of square matrices .
The elements of the generated vector are taken from column-wise and from the first matrix of the list to the last matrix of the list, while dropping the diagonal entry.
row-normalizes matrices in a given list.
vec.to.mat(u, N, normalise = FALSE, byrow = FALSE) mat.to.vec(W, ceiled = FALSE, byrow = FALSE) norm.network(W)
vec.to.mat(u, N, normalise = FALSE, byrow = FALSE) mat.to.vec(W, ceiled = FALSE, byrow = FALSE) norm.network(W)
u |
numeric vector to convert. |
N |
vector of sub-network sizes such that |
normalise |
Boolean takes |
byrow |
Boolean takes |
W |
matrix or list of matrices to convert. |
ceiled |
Boolean takes |
a vector of size sum(N*(N - 1))
or list of length(N)
square matrices. The sizes of the matrices are N[1], N[2], ...
, sim.dnetwork
, peer.avg
# Generate a list of adjacency matrices ## sub-network size N <- c(250, 370, 120) ## rate of friendship p <- c(.2, .15, .18) ## network data u <- unlist(lapply(1: 3, function(x) rbinom(N[x]*(N[x] - 1), 1, p[x]))) W <- vec.to.mat(u, N) # Convert G into a list of row-normalized matrices G <- norm.network(W) # recover u v <- mat.to.vec(G, ceiled = TRUE) all.equal(u, v)
# Generate a list of adjacency matrices ## sub-network size N <- c(250, 370, 120) ## rate of friendship p <- c(.2, .15, .18) ## network data u <- unlist(lapply(1: 3, function(x) rbinom(N[x]*(N[x] - 1), 1, p[x]))) W <- vec.to.mat(u, N) # Convert G into a list of row-normalized matrices G <- norm.network(W) # recover u v <- mat.to.vec(G, ceiled = TRUE) all.equal(u, v)